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Mitra Karl Brunnholzl

The Significance of the Karmapas, a talk by Mitra Karl Brunnhölzl
150 150 JuliGM

In his talk “The Significance of the Karmapas,” given at NalandaWest on Friday, May 1, Mitra Karl Brunnhölzl spoke about the 900 year-old lineage of compassion and awakening embodied by…

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Awake in Seattle: A Celebration of Meditation, Joy and Laughter!
1000 667 admin

Let’s just say we had a marvelous weekend. Awake in Seattle was Nalanda West’s thank-you to the Pacific Northwest community, and especially to Seattle, for 10 years supporting our programs…

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Open Webcast! Awake in Seattle: Teachers Panels
504 504 admin

Great news! You’re invited to join us for a live webcast of the two panel discussions with revered Buddhist teachers during Nalanda West’s Awake in Seattle! We’re excited about welcoming you to…

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